Essiac Circle of Friends



(Videos & Pictures below)

The following Essiac tea instructions have been simplified as much as possible to save time and to make it easier for people new to Essiac to make the tea.  The supplies for making Essiac tea can usually be found in your local hardware or grocery store in the canning supplies section.  Do not use any aluminum utensils as aluminum can react with Essiac tea.

Supplies Needed: Enameled pot, glass pot or stainless steel pot--with lid.  Canning jars, lids & rings.  Strainer and funnel or a glass measuring cup.  See picture tutorial below.

The following recipe is for making one gallon of tea using 1/2 cup (2 oz by weight) of Essiac tea herbs.  You can make a smaller, two-quart batch by dividing this recipe in half, etc.  It is best to make just enough Essiac tea to last about two weeks because Essiac tea is perishable and will eventually spoil in the refrigerator.  You can increase the shelf life of Essiac tea by sterilizing all utensils, jars, rings, lids, etc. in a boiling water bath for at least 15 minutes.  One can skip the sterilization step to save time and therefore one can make Essiac tea in small batches to drink it up quickly before it spoils.

1.  Slowly stir 1/2 cup (2oz) of dried Essiac tea herbs with sheep sorrel roots into one gallon of unchlorinated (filtered) water at low boil, making sure it doesn't boil over.  (Optional:  Add extra water to compensate for water boiling off and water absorption of herbs. To make a two-quart batch use ¼ cup of herbs; for a one quart batch use 2 tbsp. 

2.  Boil on low heat (simmer) for 10 minutes making sure it doesn't boil over.  The taste is better if simmered instead of a hard boil.  A hard boil brings out more of the bitters and would be theoretically more "medicinal".

3.  Scrape down the sides of the pot and allow the tea to sit, covered, in a warm place (room temperature) for 8 to 12 hours.  Overnight works well.

4.  Reheat the tea in the covered pot until steaming hot, but do not boil it twice.  If boiled again for too long it may not taste as good.  Allow the tea to sit covered and undisturbed for several minutes so that the herbs will settle to the bottom of the pot.

5.  Place funnel and strainer on top of preheated canning jars.  (If you don’t have a funnel and strainer, you can use a glass measuring cup to pour the tea into the jars.)  Carefully pour off the liquid from the pot into the canning jars so as to keep sediment out as much as possible. 

6.  Screw the lids on, allow to cool and then refrigerate.  The sediment can be used for poultices or can be discarded or composted.  Some sediment at the bottom of jars is quite usual and acceptable. 

Learn how to make Essiac tea with the video below:





CLICK HERE to learn what Rene Caisse said about the importance of sheep sorrel roots.

Essiac Circle of Friends

Essiac NorthWest, Humbleweed, and many others have all contributed to the Essiac Circle of Friends, a natural society of  like-minded people continuing traditional native herbal healing in the spirit of the Seven Fires Prophecy.  The Essiac Circle of Friends is a cooperative effort to provide the highest quality Essiac tea herbs on the planet.  It is not in itself a corporation or business but some of the people involved have started their own retail outlets to provide these high-quality herbs to the public.   We are the people who plant, grow, harvest and supply these high-quality herbs to those in need.  The Circle has evolved over the past decade with various people contributing to it and then moving on in the ever-changing ebb and flow of life.


* IMPORTANT NOTICE:  We do not sell nor are we associated with the trademarked (TM) or registered (R) "ESSIAC" products that are sold by other companies in Canada and the US.  We only sell the herbs so that people can make Rene Caisse's tea in their own homes.  Rene Caisse never registered, patented or trademarked "Essiac" which was simply her last name spelled backwards and was originally derived from a native American herbal remedy for cancer.  The word "Essiac" was in common usage in the 1930s, decades before anyone tried to corner the market by "registering" or "trademarking" the word "Essiac".  Furthermore, we only use the "Essiac" formula which Rene Caisse's best friend, Mary McPherson, officially entered into the public domain in a sworn affidavit in 1994 in Bracebridge, Ontario.  This formula uses Turkey rhubarb root which is much more pleasant tasting than the Indian rhubarb products on the market (which is why Rene Caisse switched to Turkey rhubarb in her final Essiac tea formula).  The website has posted Mary McPherson's "Essiac" formula affidavit here.  This is the formula we use. 

We include sheep sorrel roots in all our Essiac tea products at precise percentages.  The percentages refer to the ratio of sheep sorrel root to the total sheep sorrel content in the formula.

The information on this page and on this website is for historical and general information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.

© Essiac Circle of Friends      All Rights Reserved